women in Engineering - on International Women's Day

Submitted by seema bahga on Mon, 09/03/2009 - 3:28pm

The women’s day is celebrated to portray the power of women in the modern era and the importance of their role in the society. It is an effort for women's rights and participation in the political and economic process. It is also a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role for women's rights.

Women need the same attention for inspiration, guidance, mentorship and rewards as men, whether they are undergraduates or professional engineers.

Over the years, advancement of women has taken four clear directions:

  • promotion of legal measures;
  • mobilization of public opinion
  • international action;
  • training and research,
  • No enduring solution to society's most threatening social, economic and political problems can be found without the full participation, and the full empowerment, of the women.
    Males still dominate the engineering industry these days, but universities, corporations, and others are becoming more and more aggressive at recruiting women engineers across the World. The engineering field has been underrepresented by women for years
    Women in the engineering field have grown accustomed to being in the minority; the percentage of women students rarely extends over 30 percent. As women leave school and head to their chosen fields, the imbalance increases as women move up within their place of employment.
    According to a study, the reason for less women workforce in industry is that the working conditions for women in industry are perceived as being less favourable, thus resulting in fewer women in the field.

    One of the factors that is especially important to women is evaluative practices. Research indicated that, unlike men, women fare better when evaluation practices are more objective and standardized.
    It was suggested that women must be encouraged to study engineering in order to remain globally competitive, both in terms of the number of engineering graduates and diversity in businesses.
    A recent study confirmed that there are no biological or intellectual differences that explain why so few women are working in the fields of science and mathematics. Most of us say that women instinctively don't like crunching numbers, as weak in maths and would rather be involved in social work, but it is not true. The quality of what engineers create, from the core approach to the problem being solved all the way to an artifact's usability, and are all informed by judgment, sensibilities, passions and taste.

    Society is influenced by a variety of motivations. Whether yours is social justice, personal experience or the old-fashioned profit motive, there is no doubt that being more inclusive in engineering will make the whole field richer, wealthier and more connected to society.

    "The thrilling part about the field of engineering is its potential to improve, impact and revolutionize the life of people within short lifespan - be it in the form of algorithms like the ones that enable us to extract out any information we need from over billions of page or in the form of technology like those that enables us to stay connected even while being mobile."
    Three important keys to get success for women engineers:

  • Acquaintance to leadership qualities,
  • work commitment
  • time management.
  • "Despite all difficulties, working women need to accept double roles at home and work. Social awareness, equality and respect may be only the driving force to enhance women participation in work field. Above all, self-attitude towards professional duties may make substantial difference in career profile.

    Men and women often enter the engineering field with different motivations. Consequently, men and women have different approaches to scientific problems. In this context, it is also important for the women to appreciate the fact that they are women whom nature has imparted some special abilities. Women are not in competition with men, but both should strive for cooperation. Freedom for women should not mean doing what a man does, but doing what she chooses to do.

    In the field of engineering, there is no end to the innovation one can do in this field. As long as one has the vision and the right tools and approach, no idea is too crazy.
    "Women need to know for themselves what they are capable of. Making sure that every woman in the country knows what she could do and what she could only do as an engineer is in itself a great leap towards a new era where women are no longer bound by any petty issue."
    "Women who have left an indelible mark in the field of engineering, are those who pioneered their way through the road less traveled.

    It has been observed that while there have been increase in women choosing engineering as a field of study, they use their degrees to work in fields other than engineering. It has also been found that women receive more help than their male counterparts, both in the workplace and in school. This may indicate that the females are perceived by their male counterparts and superiors to be less competent than the males. The women were found to naturally adopt coping strategies to help them deal with difficulties arising from gender based discrimination.
    We admit that women have faced hardships in their pursuit of successful engineering careers, but "for every negative experience, there are many more positive experiences" as the hardships are part of the learning process."
    Some people say that engineering is not taught in a way that is conducive for women to learn. Engineering itself has been developed by and for men, generally, and so what is defined as engineering is by and for men, and how it is taught is by and for men, but it is not true.

    How women engineer see themselves: (view point)
    Equal with men
    Well organised
    Problems for a woman engineer
    Lack of Respect
    Low salary

    In India, there is provision in the law for safety of women at work place, such as sexual harassment at work place. Also, all forms of violence against women, physical and mental, whether at domestic or societal levels, including those arising from customs, traditions or accepted practices shall be dealt with effectively with a view to eliminate its incidence. Institutions and mechanisms/schemes for assistance will be created and strengthened for prevention of such violence , including and customs like dowry; for the rehabilitation of the victims of violence and for taking effective action against the perpetrators of such violence.

    In the end, I want to share my personal experience. The Judicial Legal System has been provided for the protection of female at workplace, home front & for other matters, but it is misused many times by women to settle their score. As a Chairperson of Women Harassment Committee with Pb. Govt., I have observed that sometimes this law is used by female against male colleague/boss when asked to be punctual in office or pulled for progress of office-work. I want you all to make sincere efforts, so that these legal aids are used by women in the right direction.