Postpone the AGITATION upto 09/07/2021

Submitted by RAJESH BEHL on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 4:27pm

Today CMD PSPCL called the delegation of PSEBEA at Chandigarh regarding grant of start scale of 18030 to AEs.

CMD conveyed the concern of Hon'ble CM regarding ongoing agitation. It was assured that issue of the grant of start scale of 18030 to asst engineers will be resolved positively within next 15 days.

Keeping in view the appeal of Hon'ble CM Punjab and assurance of CMD PSPCL and in interest of the consumers of the State and in anticipation of positive outcome reg start scale issue, it has been decided to postpone the agitation upto 9/7/21.

All engineers will not switch off their official mobile phones, official WhatsApp groups may be joined, work to rule in thermal plants stands postponed.

Further decision regarding agitation program will be taken on 9/7/21.

Minutes of Meeting with Board 23.6.2021

Submitted by RAJESH BEHL on Thu, 24/06/2021 - 10:16am

Regarding Further Agitation Program

Submitted by RAJESH BEHL on Thu, 24/06/2021 - 9:44am

Regarding Further Agitation Program

In a meeting of Office Bearers of the Association held on 23/6/21 at 7:30PM, the minutes for meeting dated 23/6/21 with PSPCL management release vide memo no 1913/31 dated 23/6/21 were deliberated.
In view of the positive assurances of the management to get the major demands resolved in the coming BoD dated 26/6/21 and further assurance to resolve the issue of start scale of 18030/- to new engineers within 15 days, Association office bearers have once again decided to give additional 15 days time to the management to implement the agreed decisions.

1. It has been decided to postpone the call for returning official SIM from 25/6/21 to 9/7/21.
2. Mass casual leave has been postponed to 16/7/21, will be collected on 12/7/21. All mass casual leaves will be tweeted to Hon'ble CM Punjab and engineers will proceed on mass casual leave on 16/7/21.
3. Already implemented agitation program, of daily mobile switch-off from 5PM to 9AM, exit of official WhatsApp groups and Work to Rule in Thermals will be continued till the implementation of agreed decisions.

If management fails to implement decisions or if the BoD decisions are at variance from as agreed demands by management, the agitation program as already announced will be further intensified.
Association assures that the engineers will make extra efforts to ensure uninterrupted supply to the farmers, domestic, commercial and industrial consumers and health care facilities of the State, despite the extreme material, staff and power availability shortages.

Protest Program for 22/06/2021

Submitted by RAJESH BEHL on Mon, 21/06/2021 - 1:40pm

Protest Program for 22/06/2021

All engineers to exit Whatsapp Official Groups on 22/6/2021 at 11 AM.

Regional Secretaries will form teams to ensure success of next phase of protest program.

11 AM onwards: Regional teams will visit/call each and every engineer to ensure that all engineers exit official WhatsApp.

Office Bearers and Senior Executive Members of the regions to visit Chief Engineers and SEs to ensure that they exit the official WhatsApp groups.

Let's Stay United and make the next phase of protest program successful.

Daily program of Mobile switch off from 5 PM to 9 AM to continue.

Minutes of Meeting with Board 11.6.2021

Submitted by RAJESH BEHL on Tue, 15/06/2021 - 10:32am